The Trading Community for the 5%’ers!

In my 7-years of trading, I’ve faced countless challenges and setbacks. But the truth is, they could’ve been avoided…

if I had the right people teaching and supporting me from the start.
You see, trading is a lonely game.

When I first began, I spent thousands on courses, read every book I could find, and watched endless hours of YouTube videos…

I even joined a bunch of online groups for trading advice.

But despite my efforts, I still felt lost.

Why? Simple. I didn’t have a tight-knit community of smart, ambitious traders to learn from. No network of winners to tap into whenever I needed help.
While I was grinding away on my own, the traders who were succeeding all had an edge — each other. And like you and I, they all started from zero once.

Even when I did find groups of traders online, the blind were often leading the blind. I remember one day I felt defeated about getting a strategy to work.

But instead of helpful tips all I got was conflicting opinions. Some said I should look for breakouts, some said I should use a set of indicators.

Everyone had different ideas. It just left me feeling confused and deflated without direction.

The problem is: helpful, successful traders are as rare as unicorns in most groups. That’s because 95% of people who try trading will fail.

So unless you know where to look, you’ll struggle to find the support needed to survive as a trader.

Let alone get to that magic number… consistent profits!

And without the right network, every day can feel like an uphill battle: Second guessing your every move, uncertain if you’re doing things right… Worrying you’re taking the wrong approach, one that’ll blow up your account… Questioning if trading is for you, given how hard you work with little progress… I felt this way for years. It was lonely and difficult journey.

And if that’s you right now, please know it’s not your fault. You’ve just been on your own against a very unforgiving market.

Luckily, there is a solution… I’ve created the trading community I wish I had when I started… so you can avoid my biggest mistakes and start seeing results faster. It’s not another typical chat room where blind sheep mindlessly follow some “guru” and their next hot pick.

This is our very own network of committed independent thinkers who want to learn, improve and win this game with their own skills.

Inside, you can look forward to:

1. Every day (Tue-Fri), I post my pre-market analysis of the key support and resistance levels to watch. I’ll share my thoughts on what I’m seeing in the markets and where potential trades could happen. This isn’t about blindly following my trades, but learning to read the markets for yourself. With this daily guidance, you’ll develop a sniper-like intuition for spotting high-probability setups.

2. You’ll be part of a highly active community of traders who are all learning and applying my strategies. By observing and interacting with other members, you’ll gain invaluable insights from their successes and failures. This collective knowledge will help you avoid costly mistakes and accelerate your progress towards consistent profitability.

3. Through the daily analysis and ongoing discussions in the chat room, you’ll develop a razor-sharp ability to identify key support and resistance zones. You’ll learn to read price action and market structure like a pro, allowing you to anticipate potential reversals and breakouts before they occur. With this skill, you’ll have a major edge over traders still relying on lagging indicators.

4. In this community, you’ll be surrounded by a group of serious, like-minded traders who are all working towards the same goal.

The chat room is an environment of mutual support and accountability, where members motivate each other to stay disciplined and stick to their trading plans. This positive peer pressure will help you push through the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come with trading.

I could go on, but you get the idea. This community will be a game-changer for your trading just like it has for many others. And today, you can access all of it for just $25 per month. No long-term contracts.

Stay as long (or short) as you want. So if you’re tired of running in circles and trying to piece this puzzle together alone, click the link below now.

Your success story starts inside. I’ll see you there.

Riley Coleman

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this is not a trade alert service. I don’t tell you exactly when and where to enter trades because I believe that won’t help you become a better trader in the long run. Instead, I provide daily analysis and key levels to watch, which will help you learn to identify high-probability setups on your own. This approach empowers you to develop your own trading skills and ultimately achieve consistent profitability.

The community is extremely active, with members trading and discussing the markets throughout the day. This high level of engagement provides a dynamic learning environment where you can observe and interact with other traders in real-time. By being part of such an active community, you’ll have countless opportunities to learn from others’ experiences and refine your own trading approach.

We primarily focus on the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and oil markets. By concentrating on a few key markets, we can dive deeper into the nuances of each one and develop specialised knowledge. This focused approach allows for more meaningful analysis and discussion, which can lead to a better understanding of how these markets move and react to various factors.

While the specific trade setups and analysis may not be directly applicable to other markets, the overall strategies and principles discussed in the chat room can be adapted to different trading instruments. The skills you’ll develop, such as identifying key support/resistance levels and reading price action, are universal and can be applied to any market. By learning these foundational concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to trade a variety of markets successfully.

The beauty of this service is that you can tailor your participation to fit your schedule. The daily (Tue-Fri) pre-market analysis provides a roadmap for the day ahead, allowing you to plan your trades even if you can’t be actively engaged in the chat room. Moreover, the ongoing discussions and shared insights from other members provide valuable learning opportunities, even if you can only check in periodically. The flexibility of this service ensures that you can benefit from the community’s knowledge and support, no matter your availability.



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