Welcome to the
90 Day Confident Trader Program

It Took 4-Years of 1:1 Coaching & $50K Before I Finally Understood How to Trade Like a Pro… I’ll Teach You Everything I Learned in Just 3-Months!

… And For Less Than The Cost Of A Single Coaching Session!

Black Friday Bundle Ends In...


Not long ago, I was exactly where you are right now… fast-track learning… perfecting my killer strategy… using alert services… seeking sniper entries… analyzing patterns… checking out charts… following trends… and keeping an eye on the news etc…

And just like you… I had wins that made me feel like I finally nailed it… I had losses that made me want to cry… I chased bad trades when I should’ve known better… and I let FOMO cloud my mind… so a lot of the time, I was happy to break-even because it felt like a good result given the circumstances!

The market made fun of me… too many mistakes shattered my confidence… I let self-doubt cause panic and indecision…. and I found it impossible to stick to my plan, which infuriated me, because how could I profit when I keep breaking my rules? … I thought I was ‘The Worst Trader in the World!’

I almost quit a bunch of times… but I was too addicted to the potential rewards and adrenaline action… so I kept searching for hidden knowledge… for ‘the perfect strategy’ to take me that last step… and like many of you, I got stuck in that loop of searching for the elusive puzzle piece.

Then one night as I lay awake in bed, unable to sleep because I was fixating on finding the missing puzzle piece… an idea came out of the blue and completely changed everything for me.

What I now call The Learning Loop™, began as a random thought that appeared out of nowhere, and has since revolutionized the way I think about trading. But what excited me most was it proved I wasn’t the problem.

Just like you’re not the problem either (you too could be successful and profitable once you make this simple adjustment).

Most of us have been doing it wrong… the stats tell us that (because as you probably know, 95% of traders fail to make money) … so if “95% of traders failing to make money” doesn’t scream: “YOU’RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!”… then nothing will!

The good news is… I’ve got you covered! … I took 1:1 sessions with a world-renowned trading coach, who spent 30-years ‘trading for hedge funds’. He’s taught many ‘legends’ in his time… and not only did he confirm my theory… he prepared me EVERY WEEK for 4-YEARS, so I’d never make the same mistakes again.

For the past 2+ years, I’ve done everything he taught me and for the first time in my lifeI’m consistently profitable. At the end of my first year, I made 102% PROFIT… and my second year was even better. In one month alone I made $9,443. It’s definitely working, and I’m on course make do even better this year!

Now I’ve condensed his ‘Gandalf-like’ wisdom, his ‘Yoda-esque’ training, and his ‘priceless insights’ that have transformed ‘The Worst Trader in the World’ into a ‘Top 5% Trader’ (now a full-time Pro & consistently making profit!) …

Luckily, you don’t need to spend 4-years, 208 weeks, and hundreds of hours discovering how to become a Profitable Trader… and you don’t need to invest $50,000+ in tuition fees to master what 95% fail to learn

I’m gonna teach you in only 3-months… and it will cost you less than a single coaching session… which isn’t bad when you think of what it could do for you (and your future)!

Trading can completely change your life
- it changed mine.

Before I get to the ‘juicy’ part, let me quickly introduce myself first…

For those of you who don’t know me from my YouTube channel, I’m Riley Coleman and I’ve been trading for over 7-years now. 👋

The first four of those years were really tough… I spent a lot of money on courses… I bought a ton of books… I followed alert services… I listened to tips and advice of well-known traders…and I was constantly in groups asking questions and reading how other people were doing.

I couldn’t have dedicated myself any more than I did because I studied around the clock and gave it absolutely everything.

Then after a while, I started to feel relatively knowledgeable, and my sim trading results were impressive… it all worked exactly as they said it would… at least with the demo account and virtual money.

So, I felt ready to make the step up.

The demo account was easy, just like playing a video game… I didn’t care about the outcome, and I certainly didn’t flinch when decisive action was called for… and I nearly always won… Mr. Buffett, you’re in my seat!

Boy, what a wake-up call!

With ‘actual’ money at stake… a million things happening all at once… adrenaline pumping and my heart in overdrive like a ‘drum and bass’ soundtrack… suddenly it all felt so real.

It was like I’d been learning to swim in a 4ft kiddie pool, with time on my side, no expectations of me, and if I needed to take a break, or things got tricky, then all I had to do was stand up. BUT…

Trading real money was like suddenly being dropped in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, 5 miles above the sea floor, strong gale winds blowing, 25 ft waves crashing down on my head, 1000 miles from land, and somehow, I needed to ‘doggy paddle’ my way home!!!

It was really tough to recover from that initial experience because no matter how much I learned, or how much I prepared myself in advance… as soon as the heat turned up, I was back in the Atlantic wishing I had a boat!

Fortunately for me, I found a captain who’s been navigating these waters for decades and well… you know the rest!

Why The Learning Loop™ Has You Running in Circles…

The thing I realised while lying in bed that night (thinking about The Learning Loop™) … was that ‘we’ (the 95%), are constantly trying to improve… always trying to bridge ‘the knowledge gap’… always looking for a better strategy… always seeking more information… and it never ends… just like a ‘loop’.

The problem is, because we taught ourselves and had no guidance in a professional environment… we’ve no reference to compare our experience to, and inevitably, we lack confidence in our abilities without ‘real’ training.

So, imposter syndrome sets in and the minute something goes wrong we blame ourselves and automatically assume we’re missing vital information or don’t have the required skills.

However, spending so much time in groups, I would see comments like “it was going well until I got greedy…”, or “I had a loss and even though I knew I shouldn’t have, I still chased it…”, and “when I stuck to my plan it worked, but I couldn’t stick to it for long…”.

These were all issues stemming from mindset, and virtually every problem (of self-taught traders) mentioned something similar, yet their ‘go-to’ solution (and mine) was to learn more, find better strategies and keep looking for the missing puzzle piece, while ignoring the ‘real’ problem… which was actually mindset!

Things like a strong mentality… possessing a razor-sharp focus… and ice-cool temperament are not ‘hidden secrets’ of a successful trader… this has been common knowledge since the dawn of time.

Closing your eyes and telling yourself “You’re a beast!”, 5-minutes before you start isn’t exactly the tried-and-tested method a psychologist would use when transforming the habits of a patient.

Which is why 95% of traders fail to make a profit despite every single one of them knowing how important a strong mindset is. They know what they need, they’re just not sure how to get there

But, instead of looking to strengthen their mind… to master the actual thing that’s holding them back… they go around The Learning Loop™ and continue wasting time and money until they eventually burn out.

I’ve been trading since 2020 now and I struggled a lot to find a stable system for myself in trading, I jumped from a strategy to another and not knowing what the consequences will be after that, until I found Riley and his awesome system of teaching and simplifying things, trading is a very challenging business and also very complicated, so the goal is to make is simple as much as possible and I can tell that this is the right place where you can find a lot of benefits. Thanks to Riley for helping and supporting each one of us and I really recommend that any person who wants learn and become a successful trader, Riley is the one.

95% of Traders Will NEVER Master the Most Crucial Skill in Trading…

When you look around for trading mindset solutions though, you quickly see why not many people break free from this ‘pit of failure’… I’m certainly no expert in this field, but even I could tell from the products I was looking at… they weren’t gonna be enough to help me make the giant leap I required to change habits developed over my entire lifetime!

Eventually, as you already know… I decided to hire a professional coach.

I knew it would take a long time to learn… I also knew it would cost a fortune… but I loved trading, and I’d already decided to make it my career, so after making that commitment to myself… there was only one option available to me (if I was serious about being successful).

I can’t say it was an easy choice knowing how much I’d have to spend on coaching, but I viewed it the same way we look at education which is, we invest money into training which gives you skills to earn money… at the time it felt like a gamble, but I’m already close to earning it all back, so it definitely paid off!

Any doubts I had before my first coaching session that maybe I was wrong about The Learning Loop™ or that mindset isn’t the key to successful trading… were completely blown out of the water when he told me we wouldn’t be doing any technical training at all

And he wasn’t kidding because after nearly 4-years of 1:1 coaching with him every single week, he only ever focused on the mental side of trading… which tells its own story!

He told me most people who get into trading fail… those who don’t, were either born with a strong mindset and self-control, or they learn (and master) it.

Then he told me, unless you’re a complete novice and just starting out, chances are you already know enough technical skills to be successful, but while strategy and analytical skills are important… they’re meaningless without the right mental preparation. You can go far with a strong mindset + weak strategy, but you’ll get nowhere with an elite strategy + feeble mentality.

Thank you for creating this course. This is my 3rd futures course and by far the best one. There is so much value for the price. You teach exactly what the trader needs. You have every essential piece of the puzzle. Cant wait to interact with the community, just joined the group. So happy that I found you on you tube. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Reba Williams

The Only Program That Gives You Everything You Need to Become a Profitable Trader…

It wasn’t my intention to put what I’d learned into a course, I simply wanted to be profitable… but in the meantime, my YouTube channel (which started out as a way for me to improve and develop my skills through teaching beginners), really blew up.

And it was really frustrating for me to see so many people struggling with issues stemming from mindset, yet they were looking for a fix in the wrong place.

I wanted to help people, but how do you put 4-years of expert coaching into a couple of videos?

The program wouldn’t be for me so the better idea was to ask my audience their thoughts directly, and the general consensus was I should create a comprehensive course covering both sides of trading… mindset and strategy.

I’m currently on version 3 and thanks to student feedback, it’s now more polished and effective than ever before… I really do listen to you guys on YouTube and Discord (I haven’t reached Diva Superstar status just yet!).

So, I decided I’d teach people ‘my complete method’… I separated mindset and strategy… then I broke everything down into simple lessons.

Once I figured out the best way to structure my course, I was left with a 3-month program with 9 whole weeks of mindset training… that’s just how important it is.

Obviously, mental conditioning is a long-term process which like any elite skill, is only as good as your practice. So, I didn’t just ‘teach’ what you need to know about having a strong mindset… I’ve given you the steps I follow, the same routines I practise… and the habits you need to develop.

This way, once you finish the program, you’ll finally have the ‘missing piece’ you’ve been seeking… your newly acquired skills should make you a top 5% trader… however, you’ll also have the elite ‘training routine’ that I’ve been using for years to continue improving and levelling-up long after the program has ended… so you can keep going until you decide you’re good enough!

Hello Riley, Since signing up for your training I have passed 12 Apex evaluation accounts.
The structure of your trading plan prevents making the same costly mistakes that plagued my trading for so very long. I am still learning that patience is the key the more you use the more you gain the confidence to take the trades when they setup. Consistency is still to be determined my trading decisions are my own and reflect me not the training you provide. Anyone that listens and applies your training will succeed.
Steely H Jaynes

Okay, that's a lot of stuff. But does the 90 Confident Trader Program actually work?

It's helped all these people...

Okay, so the program has clearly worked for other traders.

But will it work for me specifically?

Now, before you start getting excited and imagining millions of dollars depositing into your account like a torrential river flooding its banks… I have some very important information for you to consider first.

This is NOT a ‘quick fix’… you will NOT develop ‘superpowers’ to spot the next ‘Apple, FB, Google, Coke-Cola’ still operating from their garage… and you will NOT master everything in only 3-months!

Learning the course material doesn’t guarantee you’ll make a profit, that’s because elite trading is 90% ‘the individual’.

The program WILL give you all the tools you need to become consistently profitable and very successful, but ultimately, it’s down to you to make it happen… because it’ll require hard work, 100% commitment, and years of dedication to turning your new skills into habits.

I don’t want to mislead you, so I’m being very clear. If you want to succeed as a trader then this is how you do it, but you need to make a long-term commitment.

Otherwise, if you don’t have time… you can’t practise your new skills 30-60 minutes every day… you want a quick-fix solution (good luck with that) … or if it sounds too much effort, then please believe me when I tell you… THIS IS NOT FOR YOU, so walk away.

I respect you, I value your time, and I don’t want to take your money if you’re not gonna let this program change your life… this is about sharing my knowledge with you so that you have the best opportunity to achieve your goals and doing my best to set you up for success. I won’t be offended if you say no, I hold no judgement, and I wish you well on your journey.

Okay, I get it - the 90 day confident trader program is incredible.

But what’s actually in the course?
What do I get when I enroll?

Let’s take a sneak preview at what you’ll receive:
Setting You Up For Success
Over multiple videos I will set your trading expectations and explain a lot of the basics of trading of order types, trend analysis, trendlines, channels and market patterns so even as a beginner you can start off with this course.

Making Money with Futures
I’ll teach you how futures work so you don’t make any costly mistakes. Trading futures can be very risky as you can lose more than you have in your account if you’re not careful. I’ll teach you how to implement solid risk management to safeguard your money.

Key Market Patterns to Use
Once you know how to observe swings in the market… how to create plans that include identifying support and resistance levels… and how to use charts for visualizing trends and key levels… you’ll no longer have to blindly guess market direction. In this training, you’ll learn these crucial skills.

The Power Of Reading a Chart With No Indicators
Now you get to see a detailed walkthrough of trend analysis and patterns while watching me use different time frames, such as 15-minute and one-minute charts, which are great to spot market movements and potential opportunities.

I also highlight the importance of patience in identifying trend reversals and the significance of consolidations and breakouts… this lesson brings the ‘trend trilogy’ together… you won’t want to miss it!

My Reversal Strategy Overview
It’s important to understand the goal of the strategy so you can approach it the right way. Knowing the goal and how to approach the strategy is crucial to properly executing it consistently everyday.

Keys to Identifying Reversal Setups
Understanding retest reversals and failed breakout reversals can help you identify potential trend shifts early, and help you avoid getting caught in prolonged choppy movements that don’t lead to significant market shifts.

Recognizing excessive chop can prevent you from entering losing trades prematurely due to market indecision but more importantly you can capitalize on market reversals for profit.

Entry Checklist Deep Dive
5 detailed videos talking about each point in my entry checklist. This is important because every part of the checklist serves a purpose to find the best trades possible so understanding each component is crucial. Without this you won’t be able to fully understand what makes it work.

Using Risk Reward to Your Advantage
How to use risk reward to set yourself up for success in this section I will show how I use risk reward for entering into my trades but also for analyzing if a trade is worth it or not to begin with. This is an often overlooked but crucial part of every trade.

Advanced Market Movement And Patterns
With advanced chart reading, we’re now understanding market volatility… price movement… signals like climatic moves and failed breakouts… while we also focus on finding potential trade opportunities with favorable conditions conducive to profitable trades and better risk-reward ratios.

How to Profitable Manage trades
Learn the process you want to follow for managing your trades. You don’t want to start out the wrong way because over the years I’ve slowly increased the complexity of how I do it. I’ve laid out a plan for you to follow as you get better and better at trading.

The News Release Navigator
Know what the market will do during each news release so you know if you need to avoid being in a trade or you can hold through it. This will drastically change how you can approach the market every day.

My 7AM Reversals Roadmap
I specifically go in depth on how the market best sets up reversals right after the open so you know how to spot these valuable opportunities but also when they aren’t there and wait for another day. These are very profitable if done properly.

Properly Entering Into Trades
When it comes to entering a trade there are a lot of little things that happen that are often overlooked or not explained in my youtube videos. I’m going to go through every possibility and what to do when it happens and what order types you should be using.

Months of Trade Examples
I’ll show you tons of real examples and highlight the importance of trade management (real-time execution, the checklist approach, & confirmation signals) … risk management (protecting profits, limiting losses, & setting relative targets to risk) … and consistency/discipline (sticking to a plan, following rules, & how to avoid emotional decision making) … and if you’ve ever wanted to know when to avoid entering into a trade even when the signal shows up, then you won’t want to miss this section!

My Brokerage and Chart Setup
Not all brokerages are created equal. If you want the ability to trade actively on charts, place bracket orders, and have low margin requirements, then you’ll need a brokerage that gives you the freedom to trade how you choose. I’ll walk you through how I have everything setup so you can trade exactly how I do.

How to Properly Grow Your Account
I started this journey with a small account and have grown it over time. I am going to give you the steps that I would follow if I had to do it over again so you know exactly what you should do to grow your account and not cause blow ups.

How To Consistently Improve Your Trading
Trading is a constant growth process. If you don’t journal your trades properly you won’t succeed as a trader. You’ll learn what to journal to succeed in the long run. This is the foundation of every successful trader. The only way to know how to get better at trading is to keep track of it.

My Trading Plan to Continuously Grow
I’m going to walk you through what my plan looks like, how you can adjust it to fit your trading style and needs but I’ll also show you a little secret that I’ve been using which will help you to slowly improve over time… without it, your trading will likely fail…

Advanced Management Strategies
I will go over even more advanced styles of managing trades that you can use down the road as you become profitable so not only will this course help you now, but it will help the future trader you are going to become. This 3 Step Sizing Growth Plan will drastically increase your chances of becoming profitable.

Don’t forget about the 9 weeks of the Forge Your Mindset Framework!

Studies have shown that consuming information over time leads to better results. This 2nd program starts 3 weeks after you join giving you weekly actionable frameworks to work on with during your trading.

Once you’ve spent the first 3 weeks learning and practising the strategy I will teach you how to build your trading foundation for long term success so in 90 days you will become a confident trader.

Find What’s Negatively Effecting Your Trading
Learn one of the most vital skills for making profitable trades consistently… You’ll build your own Emotions Matrix where you identify emotions that enhance or hinder your trading decisions. Being able to identify what is negatively affecting your trading will allow us to understand what is blocking you from being successful.

Your Body Battery and Mental Capital 
Mental energy isn’t something you think about when trading. But understanding the ebbs and flows of your mental energy directly impacts your trading decisions, and results.

You’ll learn what times you’ll be most profitable at but also when you could get sloppy and start a losing streak. This is key to your long term profitability.

How to Deal With Loss Streaks
Losing is the hardest thing to deal with in trading and going on loss streaks is even harder. You’ll learn to deal with loss streaks but also prevent them from blowing up your account and spiralling out of control. People often think trading is about making money but in reality it’s more about not losing money.

How to Change Your Negative Trading Patterns
Master self-awareness and fix the emotional patterns which are destructive to your ambitions. Don’t let impulse stop you from reaching the top.

I’ll show you how to make the challenging process of changing mental habits straight-forward, so you can upgrade your emotional intelligence and unlock your potential.

Stimulus – Gap – Response Framework
Learn to create a deliberate pause between market stimuli and your response. This crucial skill enhances emotional regulation and decision-making in trading, leading to more thoughtful, strategic actions and minimizing impulsive reactions.

Stopping Your Impulsive Trades
Break thought patterns, increase self-awareness, and prevent reactive decisions. I’ll show you how to do this effectively so you can recognize and control your emotional triggers, leading to more grounded, focused, and successful trading.

This is extremely effective at improving your ability to execute the right trade.

Creating Your Emotional Spectrum
Understanding this spectrum enables you to identify emotions that enhance or hinder your trading decisions. Have you ever wished you could stay calm amidst the chaos that is unfolding and causing your mind to race out of control? …

Well, you’ll build your Emotional Spectrum so you can know when to get in a trade or when to stay out. This will help prevent you from making emotional decisions like chasing trades and revenge trading.

Accelerating Your Growth
Visualization, a technique often overlooked, is the secret weapon that transforms trading from a stressful gamble to a controlled, confident endeavor. You’ll learn how to accelerate your growth process through this process.

The Best Trading Routine
Most traders fail to realize how a disciplined daily schedule dramatically improves decision-making and mental sharpness. Having a consistent routine helps you know when something is off, potentially affecting your trading.

But also you need to know how to set yourself up for daily success and what types of routines help with that. Don’t worry you don’t need to take a cold shower at 4am to do this!

Stopping Loss Streaks and Blow Ups
Resetting mental capital is more than just taking breaks; it’s about strategically rejuvenating your mental state to maintain peak trading performance. You’ll learn to prevent burnouts that cause massive loss streaks. You’ll learn to recognize and manage emotional drain, and decision fatigue. This is the key to being profitable over the long term.

Fine Tuning Your Trading
By focusing on fewer, higher quality trades, you avoid the common pitfall of overtrading that plagues many amateur traders. Feel the shift from chaotic trading to a streamlined approach, where each trade is a step towards consistent profitability. Think about it, just taking out 25% of your losing trades would drastically change your results.

Becoming In Tune With The Market
You’ll pull together all the frameworks we’ve built over the last 9 weeks to see how they truly work together. By this point, you will be well on your journey to understanding when you are at your peak trading performance and when you just shouldn’t trade. Combining this with your trading knowledge we’ve built, successful trading will become like muscle memory to you.

Probably the Most Valuable Program in the World…

I know it’s an immense package and you’re probably bracing yourself for the $4,000/$5,000 price tag… but you’ve got this far, so just bear with me a few more seconds while I quickly give my two cents on why it’s worth every penny.

I did tell you it’s the culmination of 7-years of learning, losing, and experimentation…

It’s 4-years of elite coaching condensed into a 3-month program to fast-track your success

That’s $50,000 of training you don’t need to spend…

And it’s the same system that has transformed me into a consistently profitable trader for 3-years running now

But if someone had come to me 7-years ago and told me they had a program that would save me years, a small fortune, and a whole bunch of stress… and told me it was only $5k… then I’d have bought it without a second thought.

Another way to put this into context is think about it as an investment in your trading “business”. If you’re trading for fun then this program isn’t for you. But if you are approaching trading like you should as a business, then investing some money in saving time and increasing your odds of success seems like a no-brainer. Especially given (a) how much your life can change, and (b) how much money you stand to make if your trading business goes well.


90 Day Confident Trader Program

Black Friday Bundle Closes In...

One-time fee (payment plans available at checkout)


After your free 90-day community access, it’s only $15/month (40% off).

🎁 Wait, did you say free bonuses?

Yup. I’ve decided to bundle in a couple of free bonuses so you can become as successful as possible:
Free Bonus #1

Exclusive Trading Community - Free Access For 90 Days

Every trader who’s joined has found massive value – not just from my insights on the strategy, but also from the incredible support and knowledge shared by the entire group.

Normally, access is $25/month, but you’ll get 90 days completely free. After that, you’ll lock in a 40% lifetime discount – just $15/month going forward.

That means you’re saving at least $75, while surrounding yourself with traders who are leveling up every day.

Free Bonus #2

Strategy Session With 25+ Year Trading Coach

With over 25 years of experience, my trading coach helped identify the key hurdles you’ll face on your journey and how to overcome them. This conversation was laser-focused on turning common challenges into clear solutions – all tailored specifically for traders using this strategy.

To put it in perspective, his time normally runs $700+ per hour, making this strategy session incredibly valuable. And now, you get the insights without the heavy price tag.

🎁Black Friday Exclusive Bonuses!

Free Bonus #3

Trading Strategy Guidebook

I created a 28 page guide book that goes into everything about the strategy. This will allow you to quickly look back at key steps of the strategy when needed. This book usually goes for $97 but I’m adding it in to make sure you know everything about the strategy.
Free Bonus #4

Pre-Built Trading Journal

A trading journal is the backbone of your success. Using this you will consistently spot where you need to improve and what you should be doubling down on. You can find this for $37 on my website but I’m giving this to you so aren’t missing anything.

How I've helped Traders to shortcut their learning curve.

This student started just 8 months ago and has withdrawn $96,000 in the last 2 months from their funded trading account.

“My trading has never been better. I have expanded my trading ability with the risk management and strategy in general. It gives me a lot more confidence in my trades. The course is very very affordable considering the amount you can make in return”

Max Kovalev

Another student is up 93% on their account in the past year. Their progress shows true consistency, not just big wins here and there.

“It was eye opening that I can control myself not to focus on gaining profits and winning in the short run but to focus on the process.

For me it was good to have a strategy that I can jump right into when I get to my computer. I have a main job and I need to be focused on 1 strategy and this is just a couple of hours a week. The community is very helpful, even Riley is answering questions in the community. I can highly recommend it to beginners and advanced traders.

Christian Hotop

“I’ve seen a huge 180 change in how I approach the market. Putting an emphasis on trading psychology has really improved my trading. It’s been great seeing the progress over the past few months. I’ve been slowly scaling up. 

Anyone who is interested in trading could really benefit from buying your course. I don’t trade futures but I trade stock options and the course applies great to that. I’ve been able to see tangible success from completing your course.”

Nastaja Johnson

This student was losing money for a long time and found consistency in their results after joining the 90 Day Confident Trader Program.

For the next few days I’m offering a mentorship add on!

This is something I’ve never offered before and when I rarely offer 1-1s I charge $300 an hour….

With this addon you will be getting access to 6 group coaching sessions that will each be 1.5 hours long. Where we will discuss everything involved with the strategy and how you can consistently execute it.  This coupled with the main program will allow you to improve your trading as fast as possible

All the sessions are going to be starting at 5PM PST on the dates below:

  • July 22nd
  • July 29th
  • August 5th
  • August 26th
  • September 3rd
  • September 9th

You will be able to submit questions beforehand so if you can’t make it you can watch the recording.

I will be gone for about 20 days in the middle which is why there is a gap but this will allow you to focus on the strategy and then have the other 3 sessions to review your trades.

I’m offering this at ⅓ the price it will be in the future so by joining now you will get access to the mentorship sessions but also access to future ones at an extremely reduced rate by already being a member.

This offer is only available for a short time as the live sessions start soon!

I’m also adding in a couple of more free bonuses with this offer in addition to the other ones!

Mentorship Add On Closes In...


90 Day Confident Trader Mentorship


One-time fee (payment plans available at checkout)

The 100% Satisfaction Guarantee with a ‘No Questions Asked’ Refund Policy

I get the dangers of buying online… I’ve certainly been let down a few times in the past myself. However, I’m 100% certain this program will work for anyone who is committed to making it work…

So, to take the risk completely off your shoulders and to show you how much confidence I have in my product…

I’m giving you a 30-day refund policy for any reason at all.

If you get into this and realise trading isn’t for you or you’re not a fan of my style… then I’ll give you EVERY CENT back… I don’t want to keep your money if you’re not convinced this is the real deal!

Common Questions Answered

My YouTube channel gives a really good overview of my strategy. But when it comes to becoming consistently profitable at trading over the long run you can’t learn that from there. This program is designed to build you from the ground up. Or wherever in your journey you are over the next 90 days by creating a repeatable plan that you can consistently execute everyday to become consistently profitable with.

I often get people asking me if it works on Forex or crypto which isn’t what I trade but the course focuses on patterns and chart reading which can be used on any market or time frame. Also I’ve traded on Forex myself but I mainly focus on futures trading, however you can apply the knowledge gained to any market.

Yes. Once you can learn to read what the candlesticks are telling you. You will be able to understand what the market is doing on a bunch of other time frames. If you prefer to take trades over multiple days you can easily use this on higher time frame charts.

Absolutely. When you click on the enroll button you will be taken to a checkout page that will give you 3rd party options to pay in multiple installments.

Yes! If you are just starting out the course starts from the basics and builds from there. When you start learning it will be a lot of information at once so feel free to reach out in the chat room for help!

Most of the traders are in 9-5 jobs and even I’d consider myself trading it with a 9-5 of teaching this strategy. Most traders are able to find trades before work at the market open.

I personally only trade 60-90 minutes a day and then I’m done. You could trade even less if you wanted. The biggest thing is to find a time frame and a market that has volatility at the time you want to trade. With global markets available you definitely can find that.

If you have any other burning questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]

90 Day Confident Trader Program

Black Friday Bundle Closes In...



Normally: $547

One-time fee (payment plans available at checkout)


After your free 90-day community access, it’s only $15/month (40% off).

Mentorship Add On Closes In...


90 Day Confident Trader Mentorship


One-time fee (payment plans available at checkout)